The exhibition for hotels, convention centres, exhibition centres, service providers, technical service providers and event organisers for mice and events:
Heavent Meetings in Marbella Spain
on 25th, 26th and 27th November 2025, is a unique qualified business generator concept, widely recognized by the entire market and created by Weyou Group in 2009.
It is known as the “one to one meetings exhibition”.
The concept of the one to one meetings exhibition consists of 15-minute business meetings between top decision-makers Spanish (Madrid, Seville, Malaga,Valence, Bilbao, Barcelone, Ibiza), Portuguese (Lisbonne, Porto), Moroccan, French and English and project sponsors, qualified by our teams and Spanish and international exhibitors.
After more than 265 000 successfully organized meetings between top buyers, project sponsors and exhibitors at the one to one meetings held in Cannes, France, Weyou Group decided to expand in Spain in the country’s buoyant economic sectors.
That’s why it’s duplicating Heavent Meetings in Marbella, Spain, the leading one to one meetings exhibition in France for mice and events.
Its unique concept in Europe, as well as its digital platform, its matching algorithm, its ‘Analytics’ application and its exhibition application developed by Weyou Group since 2009, are the key to the undisputed success of this event, which has been acclaimed by the entire market.
Why has the unique concept of one to one meetings exhibition created by Weyou Group become the undisputed benchmark for this type of event for both top buyers and exhibitors?
Heavent Meetings in pictures

Spanish and Europeans Hosted Buyers with expressed and certified projects

meet experts with solutions

during pre-organised and tailored meetings

during three days in Marbella
Some numbers
Hosted buyers
Reach us
Become an exhibitor
Meet the Top Decision Makers
Heavent Meetings will bring together top decision-makers over two days and will be organised in such a way that all professionals can meet in a targeted manner and without wasting time.
Meet the Top Decision Makers who need your solutions and services.
Find the right providers
Heavent Meetings is for venues and technical and service providers. Participate to business meetings pre-organized before the event, targeted and ultra-qualified between Top Decision-makers and Exhibitors.
Meet the exhibitors who have the solutions to your problems and projects
practical information
Wednesday 26th of November 2025 from 08:45am to 06:30pm
Thursday 27th of November 2025 from 08:45am to 06:30pm
Marbella Congress, Trade Fairs and Exhibition Centre
C. José Meliá, 2, 29602 Marbella, Málaga, Espagne